
Tbilisi International School of Hotel Management
Welcome To Georgia - The Musical
„Welcome To Georgia - The Musical” - ეს არის ინგლისურ ენაზე დადგმული მიუზიკლი, რომელიც მოგვითხრობს ამბავს საქართველოსა და ქართველების შესახებ. წარმოდგენა სპეციალურად ჩვენი ქვეყნის სტუმრებისთვის შეიქმნა და ის რეგულარულად ტარდება მუსიკისა და დრამის თეატრში. მიუზიკლი 90 წუთს გრძელდება და ის აერთიანებს დაახლოებით 20-მდე ქართულ სიმღერასა და ცეკვას, რომლებსაც 19 მსახიობი სცენაზე ცოცხალი შესრულებით წარმოგიდგენთ.
Audio Guide System
ჩვენ ინოვატორები ვართ და ვფიქრობთ, რომ საველე კონფერენციები, ექსკურსიები უნდა იყოს მეტად კომფორტული, რაც აუდიო გიდის ე.წ. talk and walk სისტემის გამოყენებით მიიღწევა; მომხმარებელს ვთავაზობთ სრულ საკონფერენციო მომსახურებას, ნებისმიერი მასშტაბის კონფერენციის, კონგრესისა და ღონისძიების სინქრონული თარგმანისა და საპრეზენტაციო აპარატურით ტექნიკურ აღჭურვასა, მთარგმნელობით მომსახურებას.

ATCP is engaged in following activities: Conducting general and accessible tours in Georgia; Accessible transfer services in Georgia; Promoting and developing accessible tourism in Georgia; Advocacy of accessible environment -universal design standards; Advocacy of rights of persons with disabilities; Engaging in programs and services targeting women and youth with disabilities; Conducting educational programs and trainings on accessible tourism management and Universal Design standards; Promoting and developing recreational and rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities; Social entrepreneurship programs focusing on employment of PWDs and IDPs; Creating and promoting adapted media and audio-visual products; Professional consultancy: - Customer service trainings on welcome environment for people with disabilities - to make Georgian tourism destinations, products and services accessible to all travelers; - Accessibility of built environment: recommendations, architectural drawings (Universal design standards), monitoring and accessibility Audit; - Recommendations on assistive equipment for people with disabilities for tourism sector.

შუაგული - SHUAGULI - Events & Garden
Moore abc With a team of open minded and result oriented certified accountants, appraisers and business consultants provides a full scope of services that include audit, assurance, accounting, business outsourcing, tax and other advisory work. Moore abc is a member of Moore Global. Our purpose is to help our customers grow and meet their global and local objectives.

Ehotelspace is cloud-based solution for all type of property (hotel, hostel, apartment and act.) to manage comprehensive sales process and customer relations, run seamless and effective communication. The multifunctional platform includes innovative website builder, integrated direct booking engine and channel manager."

REDIX • რედიქსი

''Re­dix“ – This is a professi­o­nal, pur­p­o­s­eful, and work–or­i­ented team. Our goal is to de­v­elop and intro­d­uce new and up-to-date concepts, attract lea­d­ing in­t­er­n­at­ional or­gani­zations, co­l­la­borate with local or­gani­zations, de­li­ver out­stan­d­ing prod­ucts and ser­vi­ces to cus­t­om­ers and em­erge Geo­r­gia as eco­n­omic, po­li­t­ical and cul­t­u­ral hub in the region.

Keda Tourism Development Center LLC

Keda Tourism Development Centre was established on March 5, 2020. The main purpose of the organization is maintenance of tourism organizations, creation and development of tourism services. We are focused on studying the tourism potential of the municipality and consequently on creating and updating a strategic document. Targeted support of food and accommodation facilities in the municipality. Offer a free information training space for those interested in the tourism sector.

KASS LAND - წალკის კანიონი-Tsalka Canyon

Cass Land is a project of the Jewish company Cass Group, which includes a glass bridge with a diamond-shaped cafe-bar in the middle, a premium hotel complex with cottages, a visitor center, a restaurant, a swimming pool, a 1,800-meter path to reach the waterfall, a stunning Views, camping sites and other diverse infrastructure, which is necessary for a perfect cognitive recreation.

HPM Hotel Projects Management Co
Taste of India

Restaurant- We’re proud to offer a wide variety of dishes from all over India, all made with fresh, high-quality ingredients. Whether you’re in the mood for a classic curry, a flavorful tandoori dish, or a hearty vegetarian meal, we have something for everyone.

Local Hospitality LLC

Founded in 2017, Local Hospitality LLC specializes in providing services to the hospitality industry with solutions geared towards service excellence and growth of shareholders' profitability. We are an experienced team of hospitality leaders with an average of 20+ years of industry experience across all property types throughout the country including luxury, lifestyle, full-service, and select-service branded and independent properties.

Tea Gezrul

We produce organic teas: White, Black, Green, Blueberry
Conduct tea tours in our guesthouse

სადაზღვევო ბროკერი ჯეოთრასთ

Ensure the presence of all insurance policies of participant Georgian Insurance Companies in one space.
Here you can compare policies of different insurance companies and see the differences between insurance terms.

GTA Members