Georgian Tourism Association
Strategic Plan
About GTA
Georgian Tourism Association (GTA) is an organization of Private
Tourism Companies, Hotels and Wine Companies in Georgia. The association was
founded in 2006, to promote the cooperation between the tourism companies in
Georgia, cooperation between private and public sector, sustainable tourism
development in Georgia, accessibility of tourism information and country
marketing, capacity building and quality management for tourism services. GTA
works on product development in incoming, domestic and outgoing tourism. The
association stands for the improvement of tourism service quality and capacity
building. Our mission is to help businesses operating in Georgia crate more
benefit for themselves and the society based on joint cooperation. GTA is
committed to nature protection and sustainable tourism development in Georgia.
Georgian Tourism Association (GTA) is membership –based, an
independent, non-government, apolitical and non-profit organization; registered
in Tbilisi (reg.number: 00856/12/0453)
To enhance the partnership between private and public sectors and
to improve the travel industry by supporting the quality travel Services for
the sustainable Tourism Development in Georgia; to help members achieve this
business objectives.
Developing the Sustainable Tourism throw the strong communication
between private and public sectors; Increased interaction between members,
public and local municipalities; Create new innovative tourism products;
Creating team of professionals and conducting the PR activities; high level of
awareness in social responsibilities; Develop platforms for the closer
relations, cooperation and product offering for tourism companies. Future
Vision of GTA: Tourism in Georgia has developed in harmony with people and its
economic impact benefits all the society, GTA must to become the locomotive for
the collaboration within tourism promoting and supporting its development to
this effect.
Key Strategy Goals
The following are the main strategy issues that GTA will focus on
during five year, for each topic there are indicated and initial action points.
GTA has identified key strategy priorities and subsequent actions to achieving
the results for the development and supporting a sustainable tourism industry
in Georgia.
-GTA will support to increase the cooperation between the members;
-Increase support and sustainable development of the member
-Continue creation of the new committees;
-GTA will aim to increase the awareness with the industry and
offer new cooperation and business platforms;
-Association will support together with member companies joint
international marketing and PR activities, to increase the awareness of the
destination and association;
-Increase the participation to the International Travel fairs,
exhibitions, Conference, forums;
-Create strong ambassadors group from the current member
companies, for the association development;
-Promote GTAs mission, programs and the organization;
-Ambassadors will be listed officially on the GTA website and may
use the name ,,GTA Ambassador” in official communications;
-Generate public interest in GTA and Represent GTA actively and
-Increase the qualification of members, through trainings and
-Participation to the educational project and reform, announced by
donors and Ministry of Education;
-International case studies, for the experience, sharing
information, tourism trends, new developments in both Georgian and worldwide.
-Create training programs for members staff on industry facilities
and services;
-Provide a clear direction for the growth and development of
private sector through strong leadership, advocacy and industry engagement;
-Develop a strong and mutually supportive relationship with
governments and mediate actively between private and public sectors.
-Lobby to promote policy changes which will improve business
environment for members
-Build financial capacity to meet the challenges and opportunities
for a sustained future;
-Operate in a financial sustainable manner, in order to support
the association, projects and programs;
-Increase the number of the Grant projects;
-Develop partnership with research providers;
Ensure members are up-to-date and regularly informed of
sustainable tourism concepts, funding, and other education or programs
available to them;
-Organize meeting/conference/workshop with local and international
experts, to share knowledge, international best practice;
Strategy Evaluation
This strategy is focusing on a 5 years period. During this time
many things will change in the environment and many of the action points
mentioned in this strategy will be succeeded. Therefore will the strategy be
evaluated and updated regularly.